I am the pretty girl in the room
I crack inside
I am everything I am supposed to be
or what people think I am supposed to be.
When can I stop the smile and drift aside?
I am trying to see the bright side but there's no light.
I lie in this silence, sadness - no release.
One day, none of this will matter and will cease.
I am the ugly girl in the room
I am undesirable on the outside, inside my beauty soars.
The names fade but not the bruise.
I'll see the bright side, but not now.
I want to smile but will be beat down
I'll never wear the prom queen crown
people see me as a plague, I am destined to drown.
I see the ugly girl in the room
I know she wishes she was me but I wouldn't want that for anyone.
I see the pretty girl in the room
I'd wish I was her but I know she feels exactly how I do.